弥勒佛像受欢迎的原因 |
添加时间:2018/11/7 16:09:50 浏览次数: |
铜佛像在生活中也是很常见的一种铜雕工艺品,不管其大小,型号,还是哪一类佛像铜雕,都非常受广大市民的喜爱,这其中尤为弥勒佛像受到的喜爱程度大。弥勒佛像,在原先的时候,是供奉、佛殿、祭祀大殿等地方,每一个看到弥勒佛的人都会从中感受到他的坦荡,从而忘却心中烦恼。在供奉弥勒佛的地方,都会有一对对联的,对联的横批为“皆大欢喜”,就是希望大家都能忘却心中烦恼,做到无欲、无求、无我。弥勒佛,他坦胸露肚,笑口常开,既慈祥又有趣,深得民间喜爱。关于他的传说佳话,既令人捧腹,又叫人深思。他那千年不变的肖像,供奉在寺庙里、人家中。历代文人士更在它面前留下了不少妙联佳对,其中不仅具有高超的书法艺术杰作,而且包蕴着极为精湛的语言艺术,内涵丰富的寓意,抒发着浓厚的情感,给滚滚红尘里的芸芸众生以深深的启迪。 Bronze Buddha statue is also a very common kind of bronze sculpture handicraft in life, regardless of its size, model, or any kind of bronze Buddha statue, are very popular with the general public, especially Maitreya Buddha statue. The statue of Maitreya Buddha was originally a place of worship, temple and sacrificial hall. Everyone who sees Maitreya Buddha will feel his magnanimity and forget his troubles. In places where Maitreya Buddha is worshipped, there will always be couplets. The cross criticism of the couplets is "Everyone is happy". It is hoped that everyone can forget their worries and achieve no desire, no desire and no ego. The Buddha of Maitreya is very fond of people and enjoys a pleasant smile. His legendary story is both loud and thoughtful. His thousand year old portrait was consecrated to the temple and his family. Literary figures of all dynasties left many wonderful couplets in front of it. They not only have superb calligraphy art masterpieces, but also contain superb language art, rich connotations, express strong emotions, and give deep enlightenment to the people in the world. 现在在生活中,人们也一直认为弥勒佛所代表的知足常乐的精神会常在,所以,大家会在家中摆一尊弥勒佛铜雕,来向弥勒佛学习。 Now in life, people have always believed that the spirit of contentment and happiness represented by Maitreya Buddha will always be there, so we will put a bronze statue of Maitreya Buddha at home to learn from Maitreya Buddha. |
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