





一,神像要有靠。神像一定要靠墙摆放,否则主人容易遭小人暗算。神像后面有墙壁,说明家人有靠山,容易得到别人的帮助,神像后面不可以靠窗,否则等于无依靠,家会倒。    第二,10米大型铜佛像定做,神像要摆正。神像不能歪向一边,正确的摆放位置足,神像的鼻梁中线要和前面的香炉、后面的屏风中央对齐,这样供奉的人才能够正心诚意、修身齐家。    第三,供奉的数日为单数。家中供奉神明的数目一定要为单数,即可以供奉一尊、三尊或者五尊,不能超过五尊。    第四,神像不能被香炉挡住。香炉相当于神明的案山,不能高于神的腰部。如果神像被香炉挡住了,会导致这家里的人自卑,做啦难以施展身手。此时一定要用上好的木块将神像垫高。    第五,神像不能装进玻璃框。有的人害怕神像沾染尘土, 时间长了不好清理,便将神像装进玻璃框,这等于把神明放进 牢笼,神明不但不会降临,还可能招致鬼怪。    第六,大型铜佛像铸造厂家,神像的视线要和门口的朝向一致。这样才可以看得最远。  One, the gods have to be. The gods must be placed against the wall, otherwise the master will be easily counted by the small man. There is a wall in the back of the idol, which indicates that the family is in the mountains, and it is easy to get help from others. Second, the 10-meter large bronze Buddha statue was made to order, and the statue was to be set right. Gods cannot tilt to one side, the placement of the right foot, the middle route of the statues of the bridge of the nose and the censer in front of and behind the screen of the central alignment, such worship talent can is heart and sincerity, cultivate one's morality terms. Third, the days of worship are singular. The number of gods in the house must be singular, that is, one, three, five, and no more than five. Fourth, the gods can't be blocked by censers. The incense burner is the equivalent of the gods, not above the waist of god. If the statue is blocked by a censer, it will cause the people in the house to feel inferior and do hard work. Make sure you use a good block of wood to make the statue of the idol taller. Fifth, the idol cannot be placed in a glass frame. Some people fear gods from the dust, clear after a long time is bad, will be gods into a glass box, which is equal to put god in a cage, god not only won't come, also can cause ghosts. Sixth, the large bronze Buddha statue foundries, the sight of the idol must be in line with the orientation of the doorway. This way you can see the farthest.


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